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Thank you for your interest in participating in this new edition of Milk & Cookies - Nursing Group (First Steps.) This is a support group that focuses on breastfeeding and child's developmental milestones. Parents and babies 0 - 3 months are welcome to join our bi-monthly sessions. The group consists of 8 virtual sessions that take place every other Monday at 10 am EST. Our current season started on July 22nd, 2022. Registrations are currently closed, and will reopen in November for the new season. Our sessions cover different topics that will be discussed with the guidance of a number of experts in each field. This is a FREE activity, but since our spots are limited, we ask you to commit to at least 6 of the 8 scheduled sessions.
In addition to that, you're invited to join our Facebook group that includes parents from previous groups, where you're welcome to share your experiences.
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